You have a good business and employees though something is missing. All the signage, stationery and website reinforce your brand but do your staff? Is my business image lacking? The appearance of branded uniforms can have a positive impact on your business and your customers.
Surprising Benefits A Corporate Uniform
Can Bring To Your Company
Below are five key points which are tell-tale signs that your company is ready for a branded uniform.
1. Inappropriate wear
Without a uniform policy, it is hard to enforce a standard of dress in the workplace across all employees. Everyone has a different view on what is appropriate workwear. There is nothing to stop employees from wearing clothing that is too revealing, ill-fitting and distracting or t-shirts with offensive prints. A branded company uniform eliminates employee disregard for appearance and keeps all dressed in appropriate workwear. If you see a mismatch of dress standards in your company it is time to act now and implement a uniform policy.
2. Staff identification
Are your staff easily identifiable? As a customer walking into your business can I find a staff member to help me easily? If the answer is no, it is time to arrange branded work uniforms. The easier staff are to spot the quicker the customer will get assistance and have a good overall impression of the business.
3. Employee safety
This can apply on two levels. A set uniform policy will ensure the correct clothing for the employee’s tasks at the company. For example, ensuring all staff in the warehouse are wearing high visibility vests so the fork lift operators can spot them quickly and avoid dangerous situations. The other level is that it allows all at the company to identify each other and easily spot when an outsider is where they shouldn’t be. For example, a member of the public could try going behind counters to steal or harm employees.
4. Company morale
Is the image being created by the employee’s standard of dress creating conflict within the company? If so there is a problem. You will end up with an inharmonious work environment. This will lead to reduced employee happiness and productivity. A company uniform levels the playing field and provides a sense of teamwork. It instils a sense of belonging and pride in the job and company.
5. Customer complaints
When a customer takes the time to make a complaint about an employee’s state of dress in a negative way, alarm bells should sound. It is time to discuss and implement a company uniform policy. Once employees are in a set branded uniform, a sense of pride in appearance is instilled. This generally lifts their confidence and level of customer service.
For all your uniform needs trust Devon Clothing. Feel free to contact us for further information.